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a. Was the meeting (subject) interesting?

[ ] very
[ ] moderately
[ ] not at all.

b. Will you come again?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No.

c. Did the leader (speaker) talk

[ ] too long
[ ] just long enough
[ ] too little?

d. Did you take part in the discussion?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No.

e. Suggest below what you would consider an interesting subject for a coming meeting:

[[blank line]]

VII. Reference materials

A series of reference pamphlets for the use of discussion leaders is published by the War Department as numbered Educational Manuals in the same format as this guide. Each of these pamphlets, except the present one, includes factual material about some question that may be of interest to personnel in the Army. Each contains specific suggestions to the leader as to how to handle the issue in a discussion meeting. The subject of each pamphlet has been chosen after analysis of research studies made of the interests of Army personnel. The manuscript for each pamphlet is written in popular style and is prepared by an authority on the subject for the Historical Service Board of the American Historical Association. The general title for the series is G. I. Roundtable. New volumes of the series are to be published at frequent intervals. Orientation and education officers will receive a sample distribution of each as it comes out, together with instruction for requisitioning additional copies that may be desired.

Reference materials published by the War Department are restricted to those that comply with Title V of Public Law 277.