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[[Left Page]]

[[image top left: photo of early bi-plane]]
[[caption: First Flight, Orville Wright, September 5, 1908.]]

[[image top center: photo of early bi-plane]]
[[caption: Wilbur Wright at Fort Myer, July 27, 1909.]]

[[image top right: photo of early bi-plane]]
[[caption: Orville Wright in flight, Maxwell Field, 1910.]]

[[image center: photo of 2 men standing next to bi-plane]]
[[caption: Major H.H. Arnold and Major T.D. Milling in 1912, when Army air strength consisted of two planes.]]

[[image bottom: photo of bi-plane standing alone on ground]]
[[caption: Burgess Tractor - 1914]]

With the reorganization of the aviation setup of the United States Army, on March 9, 1942, has come the latest phase of the development of the nation's military aviation from its grouping, experimental days to its present status as an autonomous unit within the structure of the army. The story of the rapid growth of our nation's military aviation, from an unimportant subdivision of the Signal Corps before the first World War, through the period when it was a corps of its own, the Air Corps, and now to degree of tremendous importance as the Army Air Forces, co-equal in prominence with all the other army combat arms combined, is a stirring saga of courage and inspiration, of indomitable will and far-sighted genius, all within the short space of 33 years.

[[Right Page]]

[[image top: photo of airplane silhouetted against light background]]

[[image bottom: photo of 4 engine airplane, #43 on tail, in flight.