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[[image: photo of 5 military men looking over shoulder of officer at his desk]]

[[image: photo of 4 military men looking over shoulder of officer at desk.

[[image: photo of female military member in office doing paperwork.

[[image: photo of female military member looking through documents/papers.]]

[[image: photo of male military member in front of typewriter.

Top row: Base medical supply personnel; Lieutenant Harllee and Lieutenant Williams, Intelligence officers, and staff. Bottom row: Classification clerk; Clerk in the office of transportation and maintenance; Special orders clerk. [[caption]]


Top row: Motor pool dispatchers office; Adjutant's section; Motor pool main office. Bottom row: Personnel section.

[[image: photo of 2 military personnel in motor pool dispatch office]]

[[image: photo of standing woman military member in office and three others in background]]

[[image: photo of Sergeant doing paperwork and another member next to him on phone]]

[[image: photo of office workers busy with paperwork]]

[[image: male and female military members consulting with each other at desk]]

[[image: photo of office setting. Men at desks on right, man standing near file cabinet.