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[[underline]] PRESIDENT [[/underline]]
 1. To open meetings at the time at which the club is to meet
 2. To recognize members entitled to the floor
 3. To state and put to vote
         a. All questions that are regularly moved
         b. To announce the results of the vote
 4. To make suggestions concerning activities, improvements of club, projects, etc.

[[underline] VICE-PRESIDENT [[/underline]]
 1. To substitute in the absence of the president
 2. To count all votes
 3. To assist the president whenever necessary
 4. To send cards, books, etc., to ill members
 5. To send gifts to new babies
 6. To send flowers in case of death in family of club member
 7. To buy all gifts

[[underline]] SECRETARY [[/underline]]
 1. To keep an accurate brief of all business meetings
 2. To keep all records of the club
 3. To keep a roll of all members
 4. TO keep one book in which the Constitution, By-Laws, Rules of Order and Standing Rules, or Policies, and dates should be written
 5. To substitute in the event that both president and vice-president are absent
 6. To furnish each member with a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws

[[underline]] ASSISTANT-SECRETARY [[/underline]]
 1. To substitute in absence of the Secretary and to carry out her duties
 2. To keep an accurate check on absentees