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[[underline]] ASSISTANT SECRETARY (Continued) [[/underline]]
 3. To conduct the correspondence of the club.
 4. To send out proper notices of all call meetings and of regular meetings

[[underline]] TREASURER [[/underline]]
 1. To collect dues
 2. To pay all bills promptly
 3. To have books audited three times yearly
 4. To have the financial report available at all times
 5. To substitute in the event that the president, vice-president, and secretary are absent.

[[underline]] ASSISTANT TREASURER [[/underline]]
   To substitute in the absence of the treasurer and carry out her duties

[[underline]] PARLIAMENTARIAN [[/underline]]
   To interpret the rules and regulations of the Constitution and By-Laws of this club

[[underline]] CHAIRMAN OF ACTIVITIES [[/underline]]
 1. To coordinate all activities
 2. To meet with all chairman of all committees when necessary
 3. To suggest activities and assist in carrying them out
 4. To try to develop the spirit of cooperation

[[underline]] AUDITING COMMITTEE [[/underline]]
 1. To audit the club books three times yearly
 2. To assist any committee at at any time

[[underline]] MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE [[/underline]]
 1. To personally invite all officers' wives to join the O.W.C.
 2. To welcome new members and introduce them to old members
 3. To assist any committee at any time