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If there is any member on any committee in the O.W.L. Club, who does not wish to be, please do not stay on and do nothing because it makes it hard on those that do wish to work. Why not get off the committee that you can, or do not, wish to be on, perhaps there is some other committee you would rather work with. Is there?


Those of us living on the base do hope that something more reliable than the present set-up can be worked out to give a more even heat in the apartments. For 'tis awful to have to wear our coats one hour and next hour have to put up all the windows. Bad on the constitution don't you think?


If you have children, please see that they do not run in and out of the areas other than the housing area because the children are endangering their lives and impairing the efficiency of the base when they are not supervised throughout the many areas.


Rumors are running rampant that only the children of O.W.L. Club can attend the O.W.L. Nursery, so please set the records straight when you hear this. The Nursery will be for all pre-school children of military personnel (officers and enlisted men) stationed on Lockbourne Army Air Base; regardless where they might live.



At a meeting held Monday January 27, in the Officers Club, the committee chairman formulated plans for the activities of the club for the next three months.

The following are the names of the committeess and chairmen:

Social  Isabel Webb
Sewing  Shirley Taylor
Gardening  Rose Lane
Sports  Bernice Watson
Program  Mildred Carter
Publicity  Lucille Williams
Charity  Delya Griffin
Nursery  Lucille Williams


[[image - abstract drawing]]


[[underlined]] SOCIAL HIGHLIGHTS [[/underlined]]

The Social Committee is planning a closed Saint Patrick's Day Buffet Supper. Games of many types will be played after the supper in the Recreation Hall.

Captain and Mrs. Omar Blair entertained a few friends at their home. A delicious buffet supper was served and enjoyed by all.

Little Miss Cheryl Lane, daughter of Lt. and Mrs. Allen Lane, celebrated her second birthday with a party in the Recreation Hall on the 18th of January. Many children were present, showering little Miss Lane with lovely gifts.

The next Social will be given by Mrs. Maxie Manning on February 13, at 2:00 P.M. All members and their friends are urged to be present; however, please notify Mrs. Manning in advance if you are planning on being present and the number of guests you will bring.

Bowling instructors will be available on the first and third Tuesday of each month for members of the Club and their friends. The Bowling Alley will be open at 8:00 P.M., at which time an alley will be reserved for the O.W.L. Club.

Members of O.W.L. Club may play ping-pong and table pool in the Recreation Hall at reserved tables on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month.


The Three of Us

If there were just the three of us
Peace, love and happiness
Then there would be no room for lus
Greed, hate and selfishness.

Peace brings tranquility and calm
With love for our fellow man
Love is more than a balm
Tis the breath of life without a [[ba?]]

So please come along with us
Helping, aiding and abetting
For there need be no extra fuss
TO a much more right way of living.

by Lucille Williams


Transcription Notes:
This page has 2 columns of text. The 2nd (right hand) column of text begins with the "SOCIAL HIGHLIGHTS" text. There is also a vertical line drawn between the columns. At the bottom of the vertical line, there is a 3 (perhaps indicating page 3). Also, the "---------------------" is meant to indicate a hand drawn line.