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Washington (CNS) - An Armed Forces
maxim born of the war years has been
modified to fit peacetime patterns.
During the war the popular axiom was:
     If it moves, salute it.
     If it doesn't move, pick it up.
     If you can't pick it up, paint it.
The shift to peace-time family concerns
has prompted ex-servicemen to change the advice, according to Attorney-
General Tom Clark. He says it's now
     If it cries, change it.
     If it's on wheels, buy it.
     If it's hollow, rent it.


         (Continued from Page 1)

with the Tactical unit at present but
that should present no problem. A smaller number are here and much easier to contact. Why not set up a working
scheme now and surprise them when they
return. They would easily fit into the

Its also practicable for a number
of families to get together and have a
party inviting friends. What about a 
night for families?

There are a few subjects worth
discussing here in connection with
formulating plans for entertainment. All people must first know each other and be made to feel a part of the community. There can be no snobbishness on the part of any family. Malicious gossip has no place in such a small unit and narrow, warped minds are virtues for no one. Don't segregate yourselves into small sects and open the floor for criticism. There is no space for class distinction
between us if we are to live together. It is a very small task to get along
with one another.

Bring the OWL Club into prominence
and be the leaders of the march towards
recovery. The secret of good fellowship
in the club and harmony among families
residing on and off the base lies in 
the tactics applied by the OWL to the present situation.


  "Hey, Sarg! Don't poke the broom in
the baby's face!"
  "Got to. He has to get to kissing
his grandpaw."


"Does the accused desire to challenge
any member of this court?"

"Well Sir, I think I can lick that 
little Major next to you."



(Continued from Page 1)

[[underline]] Exercises [[/underline]] - need no explaining for we know how full of pep one feels who exercises daily.



As a means of detracting attention from the bare posts in the living room and at the same time accentuating 
decoration, the following suggestions are offered:
1. An entire covering of mirrored strips, either plain or bevel edge, will prove very attractive.
2. Book shelves built around Posts will provide an accessible place for library.
3. Small shelves, square or round, built from eye level to knee length, can be used very effectively as a display for potted plants or bric-a-brac.
4. Covering posts with jewel-cut plywood is quite a new treatment and should blend well in a modern setting.

Paint or paper bare features to 
match the wall. This will make the room
a mass of color and also give the effect of being a simple area.



To prevent a "stale" flavor in coffee, wash the coffee maker in hot suds and rinse it thoroughly after each use.

To remove tarnish from brass and copper utensils rub them with a mixture of equal parts of flour, salt and vinegar.

Never scour china or pottery. Hard rubbing and cleaning powders may cause the color or gilt to fade and damage the smooth finish.

To soften the hard water at Lockbourne
add Melo, Dreft or Vel when washing dishes or clothes.

To soften bath water use bubble bath. It also makes scouring of the tub
unnecessary after each use of the tub.



Transcription Notes:
This is page 2, of The OWL - Vol. 1 No. 2 6 March 1947. There are 2 columns of text, with several rows of different sizes