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[[underline]] Home Decorating [[/underline]]
(Con't from Page 3)

your friend has green, or maybe it's sophisticated or feminine. Choose it because you like it. You have to live with it.

Let's talk about "Tints" first. A deep vivid blue can be changed into any number of lovely soft blue tints by simply adding white. Often these tints of color can be used where you would not want a strong color. They may be used on walls of rooms or ceilings, or backgrounds for drapery or slip cover fabrics. Grayed or dusty tones sometimes have more character than a color tint. Bois de Rose, sage green or old gold are lovely as background colors for rugs, walls or covering large pieces of furniture. They are more sophisticated than a true tint.

Strong vivid colors catch and hold attention, so use them to frame a window, bind the slip covers or as a trimming contrast: add a larger accent note in the upholstery of a small chair, or a floor length cover for a round table.

[[underline]] Temperatures Suggested By Colors [[/underline]]

Coolness or warmth of a room is often suggested by the color used in it. Colors with red in them are warm, while we get our cool effects from those with blue. If your room is warm choose cool colors. If it is cool, use sunny shades. Yellow and orange are good where only a minimum of sunlight enters. Sunshine-yellow drapes are fine in a room that faces north. They make it seem warmer and more cheerful. Try soft, pale greens and blues for coolness and restfulness. Russets, reds and jewel tones give warmth to a severe, formal looking room: while pinks, orchid and all the dusty pastels lend femininity. Have warm Colors predominate in winter, cool ones in summer. This can also be achieved by using different textures in materials. Dull fabrics look warmer than shiny ones and sleek surfaces feel cooler to the touch. Glosheen or chintz are good for summer, textured damask for winter.

Decorating Tricks
There are some tricks that can be used to change the appearance of a small room or one that seems too large. If you wish to make a small room seen larger, use values of one color or what is called a monochromatic scheme. This can be done with a pale tint on the walls, a deep tone for the rug and a medium value of the same color for the draperies. Light shades also make a room look larger. By matching the woodwork to the wall paper or painted walls, you enlarge the rooms appearance. Dark wall paper or paint will give the illusion of coziness to a large room.

[[underline]] COOKING [[/underline]]

[[underline]] HELPFUL HINTS [[/underline]]

In cooking vegetables, cover those underground as onions, potatoes, etc. and leave uncovered all vegetables that grow above the ground.

To remove odor from the pan after frying fish, fill pan with vinegar and let come to a boil.

Almost any cream will whip readily if the white of an egg is added to it and then chilled before whipping.

To stop hot grease from sputtering, sift 1/4 teaspoon of flour into the grease. 

To make tough meat tender, soak for a few minutes in strong vinegar water.

To make sweet cream sour, add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to each cup of cream.

To make sour cream sweet, add slight pinches of baking soda and stir until cream tastes sweet and does not curdle when poured into hot water.

Put lemons in hot water for several minutes before squeezing and they will yield more juice.

[[underline]] RECIPES [[/underline]]
[[underline]] FUDGE SQUARES [[/underline]]

OVEN: 350              TIME: 40 MINUTES

Blend   1/2  cup Butter
With    1     " [[ditto for cup]] Sugar
Add     2    beaten egg yolks
        3/4  cup flour
        1    teaspoon baking powder
        2    squares melted chocolate
        1    teaspoon vanilla
        1/2  cup chopped nuts
Fold in 1    beaten egg white
Bake         in buttered pan 8"x12"

[[underline]] FROSTING [[/underline]]

in         1    egg white
double     3/4  cup sugar
boiler          dash of salt
           3    tablespoons water 
           3/4   "      " [[dittos for tablespoons]]   lt.corn syrup

Beat with rotary beater until thoroughly mixed. Place over rapidly boiling water, beat constantly with rotary beater, and cook 4 minutes or until frosting stands in a peak. Remove from boiling water.
ADD       1/2 teaspoon vanilla.
Beat until thick enough to spread.

Color will pull in its walls. Make color complement your room. It does something to you and it makes your home one of the places you like to be.
