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The absence of a large number of our people from worship services on Sunday morning would cause one to quickly conclude that we are an ungodly and an ungrateful people. Most of us have come through the most severe experiences of the war. We learned to endure many
hardships, we learned to pray for strength and protection, but now that the ravages of the shooting war are over, we have become indifferent toward any semblance of religion. It is quite true that it is the spirit of worship rather than the place of worship that
should be utmost in the minds of Christians, or people of a Christian nation, but it is also good to remember that whatever our religious belief, we should not deny ourselves the fellowship of worship with other believers. It is in this spirit of fellowship and in the midst of this assembly that we find strength for the task that confronts us as religious believers.

Many of us have no obligations or responsibilities that press and compel us to such an extent that we cannot give one hour to thanking God through worship for the blessings that he has bestowed upon us. It would be very sad if God were to withdraw his kindness, his love, and his mercy from our homes and and from our loved ones. It is
not by our strength, or our power, that we have met with the degree of success and happiness that we now enjoy. It has been through the kindness of an all wise and eternal God, that we have come to know this day, and the measure of progress that we enjoy.

Aside from thanksgiving, there is a spiritual fullness and strength that we miss when we do not attend church. Divine worship should be a must in every well regulated family. It was so in the homes where most of us were reared. It is one of the good things that we should not so lightly cast aside.


The PX is putting on an Army Week Sale. Visit the Army Week Department for great bargains. Nothing in this Department will be over 25¢ Hardwater softener is on sale at 17¢ a box. It really saves a lot of soap.

The PX has added a miniature Grocery Department to make it handy for you when it comes to those nice little light snacks. 

Thanks for all the suggestions, comments on likes and dislikes of the PX They help to improve the PX. We are welcoming more.

The Post Exchange congratulates the Officer's Wives Club on their excellent paper and extends every good wish for its continuance.


(continued from page 2, col. 2)
without a selfish motive. When we havve accomplished these things wholeheartedly we have achieved the initial step towards our goal.

We have been challenged by virtue of our organization; we have accepted the challenge, therefore, let us resolve to put the program over. This can be accomplished by our cooperating with each other inasmuch as COOPERATION is the vortex from which radiates efficiency.


"The Butterfly", most recent novel of James M. Cain, is a short (165 pages) swiftly paced mixture of passion, lust, near incest, and murder woven into a story of a mountain farmer and of the daughter who came back to him years after he has almost forgotten her, and of the wife who had deserted him and of the man who had stolen his wife, and of a peculiar family birth mark.

The horror of this story lies in the fact that "Kady", the wayward daughter would not accept the truth as such.
