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[[column 1]]
Editor........Imogene Haywood
Managing Editor...Maxie Manning
Associate Editor...Pauline PUnch
Guest Artist.....S.N. Napier

On this eve of July 4, when everyone is thinking of the love and support that he has given his country, let us recognize another type of patriotism. It is your [[underlined]] duty [[/underlined]] to be a loyal citizen of the United States. Any alien activities or ideas that a citizen demonstrates is frowned upon even in a democratic society like ours. It should also be your duty to have that same feeling of loyalty to any organization or institution in which you participate. A feeling of understanding and "oneness" should exist because "A house divided against itself cannot stand".
Each member of the Officers' Wives Club should feel that she is committing an act of sabotage when she divulges the business of the organization to outside persons. We are not a secret organization--there is no Gestapo to see to it that we are loyal--but there should be, in the minds of each of us, a feeling of loyalty and devotion for the welfare of our club. We are trying to be of service to ourselves, to Lockbourne Army Air Base and to Army life in general; therefore, we should be proud of our task. If there are reflections cast upon the club, each of us is responsible.
Think on these things!!

The members of the Publicity Committee are sorry for the mistake made in the last issue of the OWL. S/sgt. Joseph P. Gomer should have been M/Sgt. Joseph P. Gomer.

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The members of the Club have an opportunity to participate in bowling on Monday afternoons at the Officers' Bowling ALley from two to four o'clock. Everyone is urged to bowl because it i fine sport, and you will be able to slenderize your figure for the remaining summer months.
Cards may be purchased at the Officers' Club or the Bowling Alley--thirty-six games for $3.50. For further information call Mrs. Bornic Watson--extension 387.

The last Bingo party for the summer season was held June 11 in the Officers' CLub immediately preceding the radio raffle. The members of this committee are to be congratulated for their efforts. They are:
Mrs. Isabelle Wobb
Mrs. Yvonne Knox
Mrs. Bernice Watson
Mrs. Elvira McWilliams


On June 11, 1947, Major E. C. GLeed won the radio that was raffled off by the Officers' Wives Club of Lockbourne. 
For approximately two months, tickets for this raffle were sold to officers, their wives and friends to raise money for the Lockbourne Nursery Fund. After all bills were paid, the treasurer reported that $231.58 was cleared from this effort.
The Officers' Wives Club expresses its appreciation for your patronage.

Mrs. Isabelle Webb is recovering from an operation at the Mt. Carmel Hospital. We hope that her period of convalescence will be short.