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THE [[image: line drawing of  owl]] OWL
August 1947               Volume 1, No. 7

[[column 1]]

August first marked the Fortieth Anniversary of the ARMY AIR FORCES. Lockbourne Army Air Base paid homage to Air Forces Day with gala affairs and the Base was host to many visitors.
On the eve of the Anniversary the Lockbourne Band was broadcast over one of the local networks and Colonel Nelson A. Brooks lectured on the Army Air Forces.
Colonel Young of Ft. Hayes reviewed the troops of Lockbourne Army Air Base who paraded at 1:30 p.m., and Major Gleed awarded medals to veterans of World War II.
The Lockbourne Band presented a concert at 3:00 p. m. in the base theater. "Filandia"[[sic]] was the highlight of the afternoon and the entire program was a demonstration of artistry.
The Ohio National Air Guard piloted P-51 planes in an air show at 5:00 p. m. The 99th Fighter Squadron, led by Major William Campbell, also participated in the show.
The demonstration on this Fortieth Anniversary clearly showed that the Army Air Forces is one of the leading branches of the Armed Forces.
Air Forces Day's purpose emphasizes "The importance of the Army Air Forces in maintaining the security of the United States. The slogan of Air Forces Day has a meaning for every citizen of this nation: AIR POWER IS PEACE POWER!
[[column 2]]

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Lockbourne Nursery did not open in July.
An appropriation from headquarter in Washington to convert Building T-154 into a nursery has been received.
Many articles of equipment that were ordered for the nursery have been received including thirty-six chairs. Progress is shown in the fact that swing seats and frames have been completed and placed on th playground.
Rumors have circulated that the Nursery will be open to children of commissioned personnel on the base only. The nursery, when opened, wil accommodate children of ALL military personnel of Lockbourne Army Air Base.


Colonel Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. wa sworn in as Military Aid to his father General Benjamin O. Davis, Sr at a special ceremony in Washington in order that he might accompany General Davis to the Liberian Centennial.
The General is the official American representative at the memorable occasion.
General Davis and Colonel Davis sailed from New Jersey with a battle ship escort and all of the pomp and splendor befitting American dignatar

Transcription Notes:
Filandia = Finlandia?