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Editor . . . .Imogene Haywood
Managing Editor. . . Maxie Manning
Associate Editor . . .Pauline Punch
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Every American will always remember August 14, 1945 when the people of the Japanese Empire were conquered. We remember that day because it meant that our loved ones would come home and there would be joy and happiness in America again.

We must remember that our husbands are members of a group, the Army Air Forces, who played a major part in the winning of the war. We are proud of them and we should pay tribute to them and the millions of others who constituted our huge Army and Navy for winning the war.

It is up to us, the women of America, to preserve the peace that they have bestowed upon us. We should keep this in mind when we teach our children so our posterity will be endowed with the peace that we have planned for them.


Bowling--We are trying to organize a Bowling team to compete against the Officers. Won't you come out and  join us on Mondays at 2:00 p. m.?

If you are a beginner, come and learn to bowl. If you can bowl, come and improve your game" Cards, which entitle you to bowl thirty-six games for $3.50, are still available at the Officers' Bowling Alley.

Mrs. Lucille Gleed is ill at her home. It is requested that each club member visit her.

Mrs. Ruth Hurd is in hospital at Levingworth, Kansas where she recently underwent an operation. 
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The occupants of the west wing of building T-12 sprang a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Maxie Manning on July 11th. The party was held in the apartment of Lt. and Mrs. Jame Hurd. The dining room table was a lovely scene with a pretty birthday cake, as the center of attraction, surrounded by cold cuts, potato chips canapes, celery curls, olives, pickles and cocktails.

Lovely gifts were received by the honored guest. Bridge and bonanza were played and enjoyed. Those present were: Capt. and Mrs. A. Manning, Capt. and Mrs. A. Coleman, Capt. and Mrs. C. I. Williams, Lt. and Mrs. Paul Adams, Misses Annie Paul and Edna Pearson, Lt. Leroy Roberts and Capt. Rogers.


Many Lockbournitos attended the beautiful wedding of Miss Betty Ann Artis, daughter of Mrs. Owen B. Artis, and Lt. Andrew Johnson. Rev. Smith officiated.

The bride wore an enchanting gown of white satin with a sweetheart neckline embroidered in seed pearls. Her white prayer book was topped with an orchid.
Miss Janet White was maid of honor and Mrs. Juanita Hammonds was matron of honor. They both wore identical gowns of peach bengaline, fashioned with flared peplums and matching tiaras Their flowers were arm bouquets of gladioli.

The bridesmaids were Mrs. Jean Mason Mrs. Betty Edmonds, Miss Garland Parker and Miss Mary Hall. Their gowns were of turquois bengaline and their arm bouquets were peach gladioli.

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