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Captain and Mrs Daniel James entertained Mrs James’ parents-- Mr. and Mrs J A Watkins of Tuskegee Inst., Ala.
Miss Dorothy Lewis of Chicago is visiting Captain and Mrs Jamison. 
Mrs. Mary Curry and her son, Virgil, spent a brief vacation with Mrs Mildred Carter. 
Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Scott are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Agatha Davis.
Mrs. Virginia Hillary’s father is visiting from New York. 
Mrs. Cooper entertained her sister during the Thanksgiving holidays.
Atty and Mrs. E. A. Greene, their daughter Jane and Mrs A W Cisco of Chicago spent a week-end with Imogene Haywood.
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Mesdames Campbell and Carter entertained the Thursday afternoon social of the Officers' Wives Club in their adjoining apartments.
The club members, together with many guests, were entertained with games, bridge and pinochle, after which a tasty luncheon consisting of hot dogs, potato salad, pickles, olives, nuts, cokes and beer were served.
An enjoyable afternoon was spent by all attending.
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Try to meet Mr. William A. Friend of Detroit, Michigan while he is here.  He is the number one Negro bridge player in the Unites States holding 148 national points in the American Bridge Association.  He has been playing bridge since 1935.
If you are interested in bridge, be sure to meet Mr. Friend.
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Linda Louise Turner was born to Mrs. Beatrice Turner at 5:40 p.m., November 21.  She weighed 7lbs and 6 oz. at birth.

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On November 3rd, the green and yellow doors of the Base Nursery opened and ten little children between 2-6 years of age enrolled.
During the first week there were three more to enter.  The average daily attendance is 10.  With such a gay, bright environment and varied and interesting program, the children look forward to going to school each day.  The program includes such activities as: clay modeling, cutout dolls, singing games, storytelling, coloring, movies, tours around the base, playground and quiet hour.
Mrs. Fairfax, the supervisor, is doing a fine job with the children.
Each child is taught to hang up his clothes in his locker and to brush his teeth before eating.  Before eating they sing grace.  She is attempting to make these children independent which is a very desirable quality.
To those who worked so hard to make the nursery a reality it is indeed gratifying to see some few mothers take advantage of such an opportunity which will prove beneficial to their children.  How would we like to see the enrollment double this month!

[[underline]]TREASURER'S REPORT[[/underline]]
1-1-47  Amt brought forward   $528.83
12-1-47  "  collected          626.64
                  Total       1155.47
             Amt. spent        972.31
                Balance        183.16

List of the social events during year 1947

Luncheon                  March 6
St. Patricks' Day Party   March 17
Tea--Officers' Club       May 1
Bingo every Wednesday evening,
benefit Nursery, April to June
Luncheon, Off. Mess       October 30
Arranged for refreshments served guests at Open House for Nursery   October 26

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