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Nursery Plans (Cont'd)

6. All valuable equipment shall be safeguarded by the supervisor.

7. The parents of any child damaging or losing equipment shall pay for it.

8. Funds donated and raised by the club shall be used for equipping the nursery. fees shall be used for operational expenses only.

9. The playground shall not be used after 5 o'clock.

10. Equipment shall be inventoried monthly by the Board.

11. All club owned property shall be insured.

[[underlined]] Finances: [[underlined]]/

1. The Treasurer of the Nursery Fund shall collect fees Monday of each week and deposit same to Nursery Fund account.

2. All bills shall be paid by check.

3. Books shall be audited monthly by the Board Auditor.

4. A financial statement shall be presented to the club at the business meeting each month.

5. A balance of $300.00 shall be kept in the fund at all times.

6. No fees shall be returned for any reason.

[[underlined]] Custodian: [[/underlined]]

1. The supplementary fee to the custodian (duty assignment of a soldier) shall be $10000 per month.

2. The custodian shall be paid by check the last Friday of each month.

3. The duty of the custodian shall be to keep the nursery building and playground clean at all times.

4. The custodian shall see it that all equipment and buildings are properly locked at 5 o'clock.

[[underlined]] Program: [[/underlined]]

1. The nursery shall have a progressive and entertaining program.

2. Art, music, heart, storytelling, movies, manners, lunch and free play shall be included in the program. 

3. Volunteers shall be assigned supervision of the subject for which they are best qualified.