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memorandum receipt after receiving the signed statement.

6 All valuable equipment shall be safeguarded by the nursey supervisor.

7 The parents of any chil damaging or losing equipment shall pay for it.

8 Funds donated and raised by the club shall be used for equiping the nursery. Fees shall be used for operational expenses only. 

9 The playground shall not be used after 5 o'clock.

10 Equipment shall be inventoried monthly by the Board Chairman.


1 The Treasurer of the Nursery Fund shall collect fees Monday ofeach week and deposit same to Nursery Fund account.

2 All bills shall be paid by check.

3 Books shall be audited monthly by the Board Auditor

4 A financial statement shall be presented to the club at the business meeting each month.

5. A [[strikethrough]]surplus[[/strikethrough]] ^[[balance]] of $300 shall be kept in the fund at all times.

6 No fees shall be returned for any reason.


1 The supplementary fee to the custodian (duty assignment of a soldier) shall be $15 per month.
The custodian shall be paid by check the last Friday of each month.

3 The duty of the custodian shall be to keep the nursery building and playground clean at all times.

4 The custodian shall see to it that all equipment and the building are properly locked at 5 o'clock.