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MAMA Form No, 10-525 (5 Aug 46)

23 January 1948

Major General William D. Old
Commanding General
Ninth Air Force
Greenville, South Carolina

Dear General Old:

In compliance with your letter dated 20 January 1948, I have taken action as described in the following paragraphs.

Orders have been issued requiring the removal of all radios in offices, shops, and places of duty that are used to listen to the commercial programs through the day. A report from Group Commanders indicating compliance as of 1200, 27 January 1948, is required. Continued compliance with this order by Group Commanders has also been required.

Although the inspection team from Tactical Air Command sent a message notifying this station of their arrival, this message was received at approximately 0430 of the morning of their arrival, and since there was nothing on the message to indicate unusual handling, it was handled in the normal manner. This message reached the command section of my headquarters at the same time the party landed at this station - approximately 1000. Investigation of the statement that the inspecting party was unable to contact officers concerned seems to indicate that these officers must have been unit supply officers (pilots) of the Fighter Group. It appears that all of the officers desired by the inspecting party in the Airdrome Group and the Maintenance and Supply Group were contacted. The maintenance officers in the Fighter Group were contacted. It is my personal belief that any officers the inspecting party desired to contact and could not contact were flying. Thirty hours were flown by the 99th Fighter Squadron, thirteen by the 100th Fighter Squadron, and fourteen by the 301st Fighter Squadron on the day in question. Although I personally believe that any officers the inspecting party desired to contact were flying, I cannot be positive, because I do not know exactly whom they are speaking of.

I inclose a letter concerning the report of the sit-down strike in the 99th Fighter Squadron. I do not think any comment from me is necessary in this matter, and I believe that the qualifications as an