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inspector of the officer making the report should be investigated.

I inclose a report of corrective action taken in supply activities. I know that this report is incomplete; however, I have not received the written report of the inspecting party, and I have only my memory as to statements made by members of the inspecting party to refer to at this time. As soon as I receive a written report from Tactical Air Command, I shall furnish a more complete report. I hope that I can do this next week.

I am naturally much concerned with the statements contained in your letter of 20 January 1948, primarily because I honestly believe that the verbal report submitted by the group from the A-4 Section of Tactical Air Command does not paint an accurate picture of conditions as they really exist at this station. I have this belief in spite of the fact that I realize that there are deficiencies in the supply activities at this station. Although I cannot say that individuals of the inspecting party slanted their report, there is enough evidence to raise the question. I further believe that an immediate and searching inquiry into my qualifications to command the 332nd Fighter Wing is indicated, because of your statement that "numerous events which have occurred in the last few months indicate that you are not carrying out your duties as the Wing Commander." I believe that this inquiry into my qualifications is necessary, because no question is involved as to my "doing better on the job". I have been continuously present for duty at this station from 1 October 1947 to date seven days per week, and during that period all of my energies have been directed toward the proper administration of the 332nd Fighter Wing. I have no other interests, and therefore, if I am "not carrying out my duties as the Wing Commander," it is because I am not qualified.

I recommend that an unannounced inspection of the 332nd Fighter Wing be made for the specific purpose of determining my qualifications for command, and that I be relieved from command if I am not qualified with reasons for this action placed on my permanent record. I believe that I should be relieved, if any question exists as to my abilities because I know the importance of the 332nd Fighter Wing to the United States Air Force and to National Defense. I should add that no military personnel on this station is aware of the matters contained in your letter except myself, so there will be no question of "preparation for inspection.

I shall continue to exercise command of the 332nd Fighter Wing to the best of my ability, and I shall submit by mail my next personal report on 31 January 1948.

Sincerely yours,

Colonel, USAF

2 Incls.
#1 Ppt of incident, 99th Ftr Sqd
#2 Cor Act Taken on Inspec Rpt