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June 4 1925

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General Contract For School on Almeda Road Let to Fred B. Chambers For $329,635.
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The contract for the general construction of the Almeda Road Junior High School was let, advertising for bids on the heating and ventillating of four new schools was authorized, steps were taken to secure an appraisal of the three sites offered for the negro high school, and 47 teachers were elected at the special meeting of the school board Tuesday afternoon in the administration office.

Fred B. Chambers' bond offered in the Indemnity Insurance Company of North America was approved, and the contract for the general construction of the Almeda Road School was awarded to him. The cost will be $329,635.

Bids for the heating and ventillating of the new schools in Eastwood, Norhill, Montrose, and Almeda Road, will be advertised. The building committee, headed by A.C. Finn, was authorized to secure an appraisal of the three sites in the eastern part of the city which have been offered for the negro high school.

New teachers recommended by the teachers' committee and elected by the board are:[[ [[pointing to "and Ethel M. Gray."]]

Additional teachers will be elected at the regular meeting, to be held next Monday night at 8 p.m. in the administration offices.

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