Viewing page 38 of 309

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[[preprinted]] Class Autographs [[/preprinted]]

[[written at a slant, at top left]] ^ Daisy

^ Dearest Sis:
To sow and act to reap a habit,
To sow a habit to reap a character,
To sow a character to reap a destiny.
Sis Daisy R. Howard,
740 Irving Ave.,
Beaumont, Texas,

[[written at bottom left corner]]
^Sis dear don't forget me
as you have in years
gone by, and write
often. Don't forget
our happy days

[[written at bottom right under last message]]^ Phone 4429J.

[[horizontal line]]

[[written at a slant, at top left]] ^ Othello

^ Love thyself last, cherish those hearts
that hate thee
Corruption wins not more than honesty
Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace
To silence envious tongues.
Orthella Alan Moore
Kindleton Tex
Box 55.

[[written diagonally and underlined]] ^ Deceased

[[preprinted]] 37 [[/preprinted]]

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