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[[two pieces of paper attached to scrapbook page]]

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Paul Quian at Prairie View April 24-25.
Paul Quinn at Samuel Huston April 21-22.
Prairie View at Texas College March 30-31.
April 10-11. 
Prairie View at Bishop College
Prairie View at Wiley College April 13-14.
Samuel Huston at Prairie View April 3-4.
Samuel Huston at Bishop College May 4-5.
Samuel Huston at Wiley College May 1-2.
Texas College at Paul Quinn May 8-9.
Texas College at Samuel Huston May 11-12.
Bishop College at Paul Quinn April 17-18.
Bishop College at Texas College April 20-21.
Wiley College at Paul Quinn May 210-22.
Wiley College at Texas College May 18-19.
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Ten thousand times ten thousand
In sparkling raiment bright,
The armies of the ransomed saints,
Throng up the steeps of light:
'Tis finished all is finished,
Their fight with death and sin:
Fling open wide the golden gates,
And let the victors in.

What rush of Alleluias
Fills all the earth and sky
What ringing of a thousand harps
Bespeaks the triumph nigh
Oh, day, for which creation
And all its tribes were made;
Oh, joy, for all its former woes
A thousand-fold repaid.

Oh, then what raptured greetings
On Canaan's happy shore;
What knitting severed friendships up
Where partings are no more,
Then eyes with joy shall sparkle
That brimmed with tears of late;
Orphans no longer fatherless,
Nor widows desolate.  AMEN.
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