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^ P.V. Boys wow. [[each word underlined]]

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Subject:  Resolved, That the Eighteenth Amendment Should be Modified to Permit the Usage of Light Wines and Beers.
Affirmative - Prairie View:  First Speaker, Edward Fleets;  Second Speaker, Justin Robinson;  Alt., E. A. Charleston.
Negative - Texas College:  First Speaker, Elbert Randall;  Second Speaker, L. W. Ford;  Alt., L. M. Hughey

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(Rendering the Decision)

Sect. 1 - The judges shall not sit together nor communicate in any way with one another.
Sect. 2 - Each judge shall render his decision independently and without consultation with any one else;  writing on a slip of paper and sealing in an envelope "For the Affirmative" or "For the Negative."  This envelope is to be passed to the Presiding officer, who in the presence of a representative of each team, after receiving all three envelopes shall open them and read each one as he opens it.
Sec. 3 - The award shall be made upon [[?]] the argument as presented in the debate and not upon the merits of the question.

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Judges:  Judge R. E. Tompkins, Prof. J. W. Monk, Editor C. B. Greene.

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