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[[preprinted]] Press Notices [[/preprinted]]

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Services in City Auditorium Opened by Chorus of 100 Voices From Prairie View Normal.

They impressed their spiritual music on the great composers of the day;  they have invaded Europe and set it mad with jazz.  I expect from now on they will be the keepers of the musical sense of America.  I hope they will keep alive such beautiful songs as we have heard here this afternoon;  if we lose that music out of our American life we have lost something that can not be replaced."

Kuang Pei Liu of Mukden, Manchuria, the only Chinese delegate to the convention, who is graduating this June from the University of Cincinnati, said after the negro concert:  "I have never heard such music.  It is haunting, and the sweetest, I believe, I have ever heard.  It is quite new to me."  Mr. Liu had been able to hear much of the best music in America at Cincinnati, a great musical center, in the last four years.

Speaking of music, wasn't that a most original program of songs given by the negroes of the Prairie View Normal?  When those 100 voices were lifted in song, every man and woman in the big Auditorium felt uplifted and enraptured.

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