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Since it was impossible to construct separate service and recreational facilities everywhere, the War Department directed on March 3, 1943, that "all personnel, regardless of race, would be afforded equal opportunity to enjoy recreational facilities on each post."[[footnote]]63  This order was generally ignored throughout the Army.[[footnote]] 64 The violation of the order was sometimes defended on the gounds that since the War Department did not require Negro and White soldiers to [[underlined]] work [[/underlined] together in the same units, because this was contrary to custom, it could not reasonably intend them to [[underlined]] play [[/underlined]] together, which was far more contrary to custom. [footnote]]65 The recreational facilities were the [[underlined]] only [[/underlined]] place where the dreaded "social" experimentation could possible occur on an Army station.

The concentration of Negro personnel under the segregation policy made this order, and the regulation requiring that club facilities be made available to all officers, [[footnote]]66 rather difficult to ignore in concentration areas. At Selfridge Field the attempt to keep colored officers, who outnumbered the white officers, away from the officers Club resulted in the following reprimand for the commanding officer:

1. Investigation by the office of the Inspector General has disclosed that racial discrimination against colored officers stationed at Selfridge Field, Mich., was due to your conduct in d^[[e]]nying

[[footnote]]63 War Department Letter, [[underlined]] Recreational Facilities [[/underlined]], 3 March 1943.

[[footnote]]64 Failure to comply resulted in another and more definite letter on the same subject 9 July 1944, which produced considerable controversy and some compliance.

[[footnote]]65 It should be remembered, however, that segregation practices were always contradictory. In Tuskegee and Montgomery, Negroes and Whites customarily attend the same carnivals and ride the same rides at the same time.

[[footnote]]66 Army Regulation 210-10. Pr. 19.