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Press Conference, 17 May 49 (Cont'd)

Maj. C.:  We set the date for the thing to begin on the 23rd, if possible. The first man will leave if the Board proceedings are completed at that time. It depends on how fast we can work with the Board and lists we send in for reassignment.

Mr. M.:  How long will it be then, sir, before this unit is gone from the base?

Maj. C.:  That depends on the organization that comes in and when it comes in. That is something I can give you no answer on either.

Mr. M.:  Couldn't have the first man leave on 23 May?

Maj. C.:  If possible.

Col. D.:  It probably won't be possible. The first man probably won't leave here before the first week in June.

Maj. C.:  To clarify that. This date of 23d, it possibly won't be possible to get them out. Probably have assignments available at that time. Takes some time to get these people away - pack furniture, etc. Getting squared away doesn't mean they will leave at that time. Hope to have some assignments.

Mr. M.:  Possible some may be on overseas assignment?

Col. D.:  Definitely is possible.

Mr. M.:  Suppose a man balks - wants to go here or there. Are you going to try to iron that out? Is it going to be rough?

Col. D.:  No. We are going to apply the current regulations. That is all we can do. I can't balk and nobody else can balk. We are under orders and that is all there is to it.

Mr. R.:  Suppose some of the people want to go to the Infantry.

Col. D.:  It is possible.

Mr. R.:  Yes?

Col. D.:  Put in a letter for request to transfer to the Army.

Mr. M.:  Is it possible these men could be reassigned to any ground unit at all - Engineers, Infantry?

Maj. M.:  Those in the third category, surplus to the Air Force. Only those personnel.

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