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[[image-water glass expressing bubbles and with a depiction of Santa's face with his hand holding a similar glass]]

[[image-a stag holding a glass expressing bubbles, with a speaking bubble holding caption]] [[caption]] For a MERRY XMAS - the day after! [[/caption]] 

CHRISTMAS festivities are fun, and Christmas fare is fine ― but don't take chances with your stomach ― don't forget Inner Cleanliness! You'll feel refreshed by taking Andrews Liver Salt the next morning. Gently Andrews removes impurities left by over-rich diet. It settles your stomach, corrects acidity, tones up your liver, gently clears the bowels and guards against biliousness and sick headache. Make a morning glass of Andrews an after-Christmas rule for Inner Cleanliness. It's a good New Year's resolution, too! 
[[image-hand-drawn tin of Effervescent Andrews Liver Salt Laxative]] 

● SPOTLIGHT'S unpublished facts on brothels in residential areas are available to all good citizens.―ED.

Devil's Conspiracy


Please correct the statement in your column "Straight from the Editor" alleged to have been said by me. My comments were as follows:

"Political conditions in Europe are in a mess. The last war seems to have made considerable inroads on the resources of the British people, and as a result conditions can hardly be described as ideal at present. As a matter of fact in many respects Jamaica is a land of plenty compared with England. 

"I was very impressed with the solid way the people are tackling their problems and fighting back, and I feel sure they will win out." 

It is somewhat difficult for me to understand how the above comments were translated into the remarks appearing in your column, perhaps the printer's devil must have got entirely out of hand. 

Dec. 6.

• All the printers' devils seemed to have joined in a sinister undertaking to put SPOTLIGHT in your little black book, Reader Carney. Accept our sincere apologies while we tear our hair and humbly print this clear, ungarbled version.--ED. 

Journalism vs Jamaicanism


On page 22 of your October issue under the heading POLITICS, you were very critical of Mr. L.G. Newland's conduct of the probe into irregularities in the Kingston & St. Andrew Corporation.

On page 14 of your November issue, you gave the same Mr. Newland such a heavy buildup that he and his doings as Mayor overshadow the page. 

Jumping from one side of the political fence to another from issue to issue is admittedly agile journalism, but is it good Jamaicanism?  I get dizzy trying to keep up with you. Who are you for - whose party? I would like to know?

Port Antonio
Nov. 22.
• Spotlight's party is the "Jamaican People's Party"; bracketing the Labour Party, People's National Party, Agricultural and Industrial Party; membership 1-1/3 million; "President" Sir John Huggins, M.C., K.C.M.G., Governor of Jamaica. Ever heard of it Mr. McCook?



The "Big, Bad Wolf" referred to in the article by Mrs. Amy Heron is being given more attention than he deserves . . . My advice to girls who encounter this animal is: Ignore him completely. By so doing you deflate his ego, without which he ceases to be a wolf at all and becomes a pitiful and sad creature.

Nov. 16


I read your article about the male wolf and am greatly amused. You should now write an article about the she-wolf - the husband and boy-friend stealer - and tell us women readers how to cope with her. 

Constant Spring P.O.
Nov. 19.

Spotlight, December 1948.

Transcription Notes:
Note: Column Two of this page is a continuation of SPOTLIGHT's column "LETTERS" from its page 6, found on page 32 of 80 of this collection.