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Majors, United States Army  
DORSEY, Robert E.            PALLISTER, Francis J.
GILLESPIE, John J.           QUINN, Nathan M.
HOWARD, Harold F.            REEVES, Charles W.
KAESER, William G., Jr.      REITZ, George W.
KNIGHT, Owen B.              SHAUG, James J.

Commanders, United States Navy
BARBEE, Albert R.            DOUGHTY, Morris R.
BATES, Fred L.               HOUGH, Jack W.
BEVERIDGE, Richard A.        KLINE, Raymond P.

Lieutenant Commanders, United States Navy
CLARK, Douglas A.            McMAHON, John L., Jr. 
DEMAREST, Raymond C.         THARP, Samuel M., Jr.

Majors, United States Marine Corps
BRIGHT, Cruger L.            DALTON, Honore G.
CAMERON, Robert E.           SABATIER, Henry S. 
CUSHMAN, Thomas J., Jr.