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Cmdr. Fast Carrier Striking Forces Pacific (CTF50). During this period he assisted in the establishment of patterns for carrier task force operations and amphibious support by carrier-based aircraft. Thence until June 1945, he was Chief-of-Staff to the Comdr. of an escort carrier task group (composed of 6 escort carriers and support ships) which provided close support for the amphibious operations in the Marshalls, Carolines, Mariannas, New Guinea, Philippines and Okinawa. As such, he also participated in the Battle of Leyte Gulf and in the carrier operations within the Sulu Sea. Since the war, he has spent 2 years in the Aviation Plans Div. of CNO and 2 years in comd. of a patrol squadron (at Trinidad) before coming to the AWC. His proposed assignment is Operations Officer, NAS, San Diego. Bill's hobbies are horses, flying, and architecture. His wife, Frances, (Skippy) claims Washington, D. C. as home.


"Slicker" was born Sept. 8, 1907 and hails from Dawson, Ga. He attended Marion Institute and the Univ. of Ga. prior to entry in West Point. He graduated from the Military Academy in 1932 and from the Flying School in Oct. 1933. He spent two years in Hawaii immediately after graduation, and then returned to Randolph Fld. as a flying instructor. He was a flight comdr. at Randolph Fld when the expansion program for flight training got under way. This program took him to Tuscaloosa, Ala. and later to Americus, Ga. at which places he opened up flying training detachments in cooperation with civilian contractors. He was later assigned to Shaw Fld., S. C. as Director of Training and was serving there when transferred to the Air Transport Command in 1943. He served with the ATC in India as a Transport Gp. Comdr. In 1945, he commanded the Transport OTU in Reno, Nev. He attended the second command class at Ft. Leavenworth in 1946, and from there was assigned to Hickam Fld., T.H., where he commanded the MATS installation in Hawaii. From that duty he reported to the AWC. His proposed assignment is Staff and Faculty, AC&SS, Maxwell AFB. His hobbies are hunting, fishing, skeet and golf. His wife, Becky, is from Shellman, Ga. Children are Jim, Jr. (age 15), and John (age 13).


   "Scott" was born in McAlester, Okla., on 11 July 1913. In 1926 he and his family moved to St. Louis, Mo., where he attended Washington University for two years prior to entering the USMA in 1933. Shortly after graduation he married Ann Eldredge of Cape May, N. J., and served in the CAC for three years in Hawaii. Prior to the war he served in Portland, Maine, and Cape Cod, Mass. During the war he was a member of General Eisenhower's staff in London and Algiers; then had an anti-aircraft battalion with the 1st Armored Div. in Italy; and completed his wartime assignments as G-3, Exec., of Fifth Army in Italy. After the war he was assistant professor in Government and History at the USMA for three years, from there he reported to the AWC. His proposed assignment is in Intelligence, Hq, USAF. His hobbies are archeology,