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October 22nd., 1927.

Dear Mr. Bache:

This afternoon I took the liberty of calling you up as Dr. Zimmermann, the Director of the Germanischen National-Museums, Nuremberg, has just arrived.

He is, of course, particularly anxios to call on you and see your beautiful collection and I thought that you might like to receive him on Sunday morning, when you are generally at home.

As I was told that you could not be home before late today, I suggested to Dr. Zimmermann that he call up your home this evening, around eight, in order to make an appointment if convenient.

Personally I shall call you some morning down town and hope to find you enjoying good health.

Believe me to be,
Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligmann)

Jules S. Bache, Esq.,
814 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N.Y.