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May 28, 1951

Dear Mr. Buhrle:

I appreciate receiving your note from Washington of May 23, and am indeed sorry to read that I was no longer at my office when you telephoned to me.

I can fully understand that with the press of business you had little time to think of the paintings it was my privilege to show you, but I am pleased to know some of them interested you.

Now, as long as I shall be in Europe myself by the end of this week, I am arriving in Paris on June, ^[[1]] may I suggest that instead of mailing the photographs as you so kindly recommend, I take them myself to Zurich.

It would give me thus also the added pleasure of seeing you.

I shall therefore telephone you from Paris and hope we will be able to arrange an appointment in your city.

With personal regards,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. Emil Buhrle
178 Zolliker Strasse
