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January 17, 1951


Do excuse the delay in answering your letter of December 16th, which was due to the fact that I was away from New York for several weeks.

Answering your question as to whether I still own the famous "Grand Nu de Modigliani" may I say it is no longer mine, having sold it several years ago - it is now in the Museum of Modern Art in New York; one of their prize paintings.

I was much interested to read of your collecting paintings by Modigliani, as my firm held about twenty years ago the first comprehensive retrospective exhibition of this great artist in this country.

Unfortunately at present I have no paintings by him, but would be glad to hear from you whether other artists of the 20th century, such as BONNARD, VUILLARD, JUAN GRIS, LA FRESNAYE, BRAQUE, MATISSE, or PICASSO could come within the scope of your collection, as I own some exceptional paintings by them.

To mention BONNARD, for instance, I have one of his most perfect nudes, representing a young girl standing. It is a painting in height, measuring 53-1/2" x 27-1/2", which I would gladly send you further data of should you wish me to.

Trusting I may have the pleasure of making your acquaintance in the not too distant future, as Brussels is a city where I always enjoy going, 

believe me to be,

Yours very sincerely,

(Germain Seligman)


[[margin]] ^[[Belien]] [[/margin

Monsieur Henri Belien
15 rue Stephanie