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3 East 51st. Street,
New York, New York.
November 14th., 1932.

My dear Friends:
[[underlined]] GEORGE BLUMENTHAL AUCTION: [[/underlined]] Following my letter to you of November 5th., with its supplementary Postscript, dated Nov. 8th., I am sending you a copy of a letter written today to Mr. Blumenthal, confirming further reserve prices which he has set on various items in the auction. Therefore, as I wrote you before, please correct the list which you had previously, accordingly.
As I also wrote you in mylletter of November 5th., you will have to bid exactly up to these prices, not anything above and not anything below - unless of course you should have an order for some of these items. 

MM. Jacques Seligmann & Fils
57 rue St. Dominique,