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Blumenthal Art Collection Brings $131,650 in Paris
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Two Robert Paintings Sell for $14,820, Fragonard $11,700
From the Herald Tribune Bureau
Copyright, 1932, New York Tribune Inc.
PARIS, Dec. 1. - Scenes of extraordinary interest marked the most notable art sale here since the war, when the Paris collection of paintings, engravings and sculptures of George Blumenthal, New York banker, was auctioned off today at the Georges Petit Gallery before 1,000 persons from the social and artistic worlds. 

[[margin]] [[stamped]] DEC-2 1932 [[/stamped]] [[/margin]]

Despite the decline in art values, the sale of eighteenth century masterpieces totaled 3,350,000 francs ($131,650 at current exchange)) The highest single price, paid by Joseph Levy, was 380,000 francs ($14,820) for two paintings by Hubert Robert, "La Marne a Charenton" and "Le Moulin a Charenton."

George Jay Gould paid 300,000 francs ($11,700) for "Le Curie de Lane" by Fragonard. Jean Seligman bought Fragonard's "Visit to the Doctor" for 136,000 francs ($5,304) and Watteau's "Study of the Family" for 212,000 francs ($8,268). Marcel Jonas, art dealer, bought for 120,000 francs ($4,680) three jardinieres that formerly were in the Mathilde Rothschild collection.

Other prominent persons among the bidders were Baron Henri de Rothschild, Frank Jay Gould, Mme. Paul Dubonnet, Mme. Martinez de Hoz, Arthur Kemp and Mme. Jean Charpentier. Many were turned away from the crowded salon. 

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