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[underlined] RICHARD C. PAINE [/underlined] --
325 Heath St.

Explained to me that most of the paintings and works of art had been left by his father to the children (himself, Mrs. Metcalf and another sister). Paine left a certain number of paintings to the Museum (Edgell told me and showed me) but far from everything. While I was talking to Paine and he was telling me all this, I was not in a position to ask him right away whether they wanted to sell anything, but I would be of the opinion of writing to Paine in the very near future saying that you heard from me that he inherited many things and if any of the children wanted to sell something you would appreciate being notified, etc.

[underlined] ZOE OLIVER SHERMAN [/underlined] Could not locate him but there is a [underlined] MRS. W. WILSON SHERMAN, 231 Bay St. Rd. [/underlined] Telephone: [underlined] Ken. 1476 [/underlined] who might be the heir and the owner of the [underlined] GOYA [/underlined].

[underlined] FLETCHER STEELE [/underlined] --
48 Beacon St.
Landscape architect. I spoke to him about bringing in people he knew. Said he would bring in some ISELINs living on Fifth Avenue who wanted to buy paintings.

[underlined] MRS. MONTGOMERY SEARS [/underlined] - Is dead.

[underlined] MRS GORDON DEXTER [/underlined] - Now lives in New York at 625 Park Ave. In reply to my letter asking if I might call on her, answer that was leaving town for rest of the winter; had given away all her pictures and had nothing interesting to see.


Mr. McKane
[underlined] DOLL & RICHARDS [/underlined]
140 Newbury St.
Had Hardly anything in his place. [underlined] BRAQUE [/underlined] smaller than ours representing Fruit $900. [underlined] MONET [/underlined] belonging to Edwin S. Webster, etc.

[underlined] ROBERT C. VOSE [/underlined]
559 Boylston St.
Had two important [underlined] LARGILLIERE [/underlined]s, the Man superb - $6,500. Bad [underlined] TOCQUE [/underlined]. "Horses" by [underlined] GERICAULT [/underlined], [underlined] COUTURE [/underlined]. BARBIZON SCHOOL, etc. Large [underlined] DAUMIER [/underlined] 1.25 x 1m. of two undressed young children trying to reach fruit, [strikethrough] "Portrait of Wille" by [underlined] GREUZE [/underlined] [/strikethrough] quite ugly painting but strong and not at all Daumier that he told me was a very early one. "Portrait of Wille" by [underlined] GREUZE [/underlined], 28 x 20 cent. - $6,500.
