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^[[√]] May 29th, 1936 Dear Mr. Brewster: Among the exhibitions planned for next season, we are contemplating holding a large and outstanding PICASSO EXHIBITION of the "Blue" and "Rose" Periods to take place during the month of January, 1937. This early phase of the artist's work, considered by most to be his most brilliant and attractive work, has never been completely shown in recent years in America, and we hope to bring together a large and representative group of these picture. We have already been promised several important loans for leading museums and private collectors in this country, and are supplementing these with pictures from European sources. In this connection we should deep it a great privilege and favor if you would consent to loan us for this purpose your PICASSO: "BLUE HEAD" Our writing you at this early date is necessitated by the many details involved in organizing such an exhibition, and we should like to know well in advance what pictures we may count on for cataloguing purposes. The details of insurance and shipping your picture will be taken up at a later date. In the meantime we hope you will give this matter your careful consideration and look forward to the pleasure of a favorable reply. Your kindness in loaning us your picture will contribute no end to the success and beauty of the exhibition. Please believe us to be Yours very sincerely, JACQUES SELIGMANN & CO., Inc. ( (Robert M. Levy) P.S. As Mr. de Hauke as already sailed for Europe to make arrangements abroad in connection with this exhibition, he has asked me to write you this letter on his behalf. Walter Brewster, Esq. 2704 Lakeview Avenue Chicago, Illinois ^[[RS]]