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October 21st,1837

[[preprinted]]COVIN TREE
LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS[[/preprinted]]

Dear Mr.Waegen;

I am sending you a photograph of a small Picasso head. I remember we also spoke of a "Street in Barcelona by Night" which is one of the early canvases that Picasso left with his mother and which were later disposed of by her,much to his annoyance. This picture has come into my possession very recently and I have no photograph.

I am not sure, from your letter which of these two pictures you might like to have for your show. The classical head is about 9x9 (rather a heavy frame), the other about 28x20. The later is all blue,very dark,an interesting but not,in my opinion,an entirely successful picture. I believe,however,it has considerable value as a collector's piece which bridges a little-known phase.

You are quite welcome to either if they fit into your show and I shall quite understand if you want neither.

I shall bring my husband in to take a look(alas,only a look)at the Redon and others when we are in New York about the middle of Novermber.

Faithfully yours
[[signed]]Kate Lancaster Brewster.[[/signed]]
(Mrs.Walter S.Brewster)

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