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March 2nd., 1939. Dear Mr. Brewster: We have had, several days ago, a demand for a very fine Cezanne painting, which we have been unable to satisfy and I thought that you might perhaps be interested under certain conditions of price, to part with the "Still Life" you own. I hope you will not mind my writing to you in so very frank a manner, but with the prevailing business conditions and the scarcity of buyers, I felt that in any case you would understand the spirit in which I am approaching you and not bear me any grudge for my directness. Should you entertain at all the idea, I would be much obliged to you if you could supply me with a very good photograph and also give me an idea of what valuation you put on it. You will realize full well, I am sure, that I would not represent the painting as being for sale but would simply say that we know this painting and that the owner might possibly be tempted by an interesting offer - so that in no way would we put you in the position whereby you would have offered your paintings for sale. Asking you to kindly remember me to Mrs. Brewster and with personal regards, Yours very sincerely, (Germain Séligmann) Walter S. Brewster, Esq., 2704 Lakeview Avenue, Chicago, Ill.