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April 22nd., 1947

Dear Mr. Brinn:

It is indeed kind of you to have thought of sending me the twelve photographs, which I am rushing back to you as I am sorry to say I am not interested in the paintings they represent, with the exception of possibly the painting attributed to DELACROIX (I have put a clip on the photograph).

However, before proceeding any further with this matter, do you think you could obtain from your friend the pedigree of this painting, with an indication of documents pertaining thereto - whether it is reproduced ^[[in]] any exhibition catalogues, books, etc., as well as a price.

As you may know, there is a very complete reference book of all DELACROIX works, published by Robaut, and in which, unfortunately, I find no mention of this particular sketch.

The complete painting which is a very large one, and which I believe is in Versailles or in the Louvre is,of course, a very well known one, and one or two sketches leading up to this work are also known, but unfortunately, not the one of which your friend sent a photograph.

As to the other paintings, as I said before, however interesting or representative they may be, they are not quite of the type I would care to acquire.

With renewed thanks for your courtesy and cooperation,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. Lawrence E. Brinn
61 Broadway
New York 6, N.Y.