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January 10th., 1949

Dear Mr. Brinn:

This morning's mail duly brought me your letter of January 8th., as well as the photograph of the Rouault sent under separate cover.

I am returning the latter, as I am sorry to say it is not sufficiently important to be taken into consideration, not because of its religious subject as you might seem to believe but more on account of its size and treatment altogether.

I do want to tell you, however, how very appreciative I am of your courtesy and cooperation, and as you write that other Rouaults may be made available by the Monastery please do not let this first failure dampen your interest, as I am very anxious to see photographs of the others as soon as you receive them.

With  renewed thanks,

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Mr. Lawrence E. Brinn
61 Broadway
New York 7, N.Y.

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