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April 4th., 1947.

Dear Mr. Brown:

As you know, I visited your warehouse this morning and, with the help of one of your young men, sorted paintings which we had stored there, and which as per the cards I put with each group, are to be shipped as per the following directions:

[[3 column table]]

1  - | Mr. Gordon Peers, 72 Paine Ave., Cranston 10, Rhode Island. | 5 paintings - Express Collect. (Val. $500.)

2 - | Mr. Bruce McKain, Pearl Street, Provincetown, Mass. | 2 paintings - Prepaid - (Val.$250.) To be billed to, Donald F. Witherstine, 47 Commercial Street, Provincetown, Mass.

3 - | Mr. Vollian B. Rann, 276 Bradford St., Provincetown, Mass. | 4 paintings - Prepaid -(Val.$500.) To be billed to Donald F. Witherstine (above address)

4 - | Mr. Fritz Pfeiffer (hold for address) | 11 paintings - Prepaid - (val.$500.) To be billed to Donald F. Witherstine (above address)

5 - | Mr. Walter Parsons Brewster Street, Provincetown, Mass | 2 paintings - Prepaid - (Val. $200.) To be billed to Donald F. Witherstine (above address)

6 - | Mr. Ross Moffett Provincetown, Mass. | 9 paintings - Prepaid - (Val.$300.) To be billed to Donald F. Witherstine (above address)

7 - | Miss Blanche Lazzell c/o Donald F. Witherstine, Provincetown, Mass. | 3 paintings - Prepaid - (Val.$300.) To be billed to Donald F. Witherstine (above address)

8 - | Mr. Edgard Corbridge 593 Broadway, Fall River, Mass. | 3 paintings - Prepaid - (Val.$200.) To be billed to Donald F. Witherstine (above address).

I presume that each group of paintings can be safely packed in a single box - if not, please post me.  Mr. Witherstine has asked that when you bill him for all these charges (packing and shipping) you send him the receipts showing they have been delivered to Railway Express.

Thanking you, Yours very truly,

Mrs. T.D. Parker, Contemporary American Dept.

Mr. Brown,
Brown's Warehouse
415 East 54th. St.,
