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The Little House
42 Linden Gardens
7th September, 194[[?]]

Germain Seligman Esq
5 East 57th Street
New York.22.

Dear Mr Seligmann

Thank you very much indeed for your letter of the 25th July, and also for the enclosed photograph of 'Diego Martelli'. What a splendid picture this seems to be, even better than the Edinburgh version.Degas has a wonderful way of managing these long 'landscape' compositions. 

I cannot tell you how grateful I am to you for having written to the private owners on your side.Indeed I do not know why you should take so much trouble to help me,but I can assure you that it is most deeply appreciated. 

With my kind regards, 

Yours very sincerely, 
[[signature]] Lillian Browse [[/signature]]
Lillian Browse.