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[[underlined]] C O P Y [[/underlined]]

23, Clifton Gardens
W. 9.

August 5, 1929

My dear Bryce, 

I have been told that you were very incensed against me because I had instructed lawyers to collect your debt and I am all the more surprised, as it is entirely your fault. You promised to let me know your new address when you moved from your old one, and that you would pay the remainder of your debt within a few months, but you have entirely ignored my letters! I have also told you that I owed Messrs. Seligmann in Paris about L 1000/-/-, and that they have threatened to make me bankrupt.

Why should I suffer for you?? We have always been good friends and I want to avoid litigation which you would most certainly lose, for, having paid part of your debt to me, you have thereby acknowledged the total as due, and neither the gaming act nor the statute of limitations applies. In no case would it be honest!

Your indebtedness today is with interest considerably over L 1,600/-/-, but let us take this as the full sum. Will you very kindly pay this over to Messrs. Jacques Seligmann & Co. Inc., of 3, East 51st St., New York, for my account, or, if you want to make me some other proposal, will you please do so?

I know you have always tried to do the straight thing and I also know that you do not want me to suffer for you!

I hope you are well and that I shall hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Francis M. Baer

This letter is being posted in New York by Messrs. Seligmann as I do not know your address.
F. M. B.