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June 17th., 1948.

Dear Sirs:

The American Federation of Arts, Washington, D. C, has just informed us that they will ask you to take delivery of twenty-two paintings from our recent Second Annual "25 and Under" exhibition on or about [[underlined]]August 1st[[/underlined]].

As our galleries may be closed for the summer at that time, will you be so kind as to communicate with our packers BROWN'S WAREHOUSE, 415 E. 54th. Street, with whom the pictures in question are already stored, and arrange to take delivery there?

Will you be so kind as to acknowledge this letter, and thus enable us to clear up any points relative to this matter at this time?

Yours very sincerely,

Mrs. T. D. Parker
Contemporary American Dept.

W. S. Budworth & Sons,
424 West 52nd. St.
New York 19, N.Y.
