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[[strikethrough]] both my apartment and my galleries are closed during the month of August and thus there will be nobody there to deliver the painting. The earliest date would be on Friday, September 2nd. 

I am writing accordingly to Mr. Frederick A. Sweet at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Should you wish to communicate with me on this topic, do write to the following address

Box 144, R.R. 1, Pound Ridge ^[[August 1960]], New York

where I shall remain until the end of the month. [[/strikethrough]]

[[pencil underline]]W. S. Budworth & Son, Inc.[[/pencil underline]]
424 West 52nd Street
New York 19, N.Y. Sincerely yours,


Attention Miss Alice Schwartz

I am in receipt of your note of August 8th in which you advise me that you intend calling for the painting by Corot, destined to the Chicago Art Institute, in the course of the week of August 22nd.

This, to my regret, will not be possible for the reason that both my apartment and my galleries are closed during the month of August and thus there will be nobody there to deliver the painting.  The earliest date would be on Friday, September 2nd.

I am writing accordingly to Mr. Frederick A. Sweet at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Should you wish to communicate with me on this topic, do write to the following address

Box 244, R.R. 1, Pound Ridge, New York

where I shall remain until the end of the month.

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

^[[Budworth & Son]]