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New York, N.Y.

February 6th, 1939

Dear Leslie:

Just a few lines to ask you to do me a slight favor which I am terribly keen on.

My great friend and the head of our firm, Capt. Germain Seligmann is taking a cruise on the "De Grasse". On the 10th of February, I believe, the boat will be in Miami for a few hours, and I wonder whether you wouldn't be good enough to spare an hour or two and look after Germain.

He has never been in Miami, and has put himself out for me so many times that I am extremely anxious to see that this short stay will be pleasant and interesting.

I don't recollect whether you have ever met Capt. Seligmann with me, but I can tell you that he is most delightful and interesting and that you surely will like meeting him. In fact, you might have met him during the War when he was a Liaison Officer for the first division and a great friend of Gen. Bullitt, Gen. Sumerall, Gen. Seibart and Gen. Andrews.

I don't know at exactly what time the boat will get to Miami and how long it will be there, but anyhow you can no doubt check that up in your
