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conditions which exist in the armed services which affect our position so far as they are concerned.

This memorandum is submitted in an attempt to aid the Committee in its determination. I must point out that the record of the armed services in providing educational opportunities for illiterates is to be commended as having raised the standards of living and education for many Negroes. The results are weighty proof that the core of the problem has always been lack of training opportunity. It is submitted that as this standard is progressively raised, the armed services should abandon their policy of working out in the foreseeable future the utilization of the total manpower of this country on a segregated basis. Experience has shown that there are inherent difficulties in any doctrine of "separate but equal" which will always prevent equality, and even if equality were achieved the segregated system is contrary to American ideals.

As the Army and Air Corps approach their third anniversary under the policy announced in War Department Circular Number 124, whether one would give the results words of approval or disapproval depends upon one's basic feeling. If it is felt that Negroes are different and represent a class apart, then the National Military

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