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T H E C A L L T O A C T I O N FREDERICK DOUGLASS RESTORATION COMMITTEE DUTY CALLS, WHAT IS YOUR ANSWER? THE FREEDOM PLEDGE I am an American. A free American Free to speak - without fear Free to worship God in my own way Free to stand for what I think is right Free to oppose what I believe is wrong Free to choose those who govern my country. This heritage of Freedom I pledge to uphold For myself and all mankind. Purpose - To restore and rehabilitate the Frederick Douglass Memorial. Objective - To secure Funds. How to Obtain Objectives - (Creating Good Will among Men- (Fellowship Hour (Frederick Douglass, the (Great American Thro' Moral and financial support of [[underlined]]every state[[/underlined]], every [[underlined]]community[[/underlined]], in every [[underlined]]agency[[/underlined]] and [[underlined]]Organization[[/underlined]], in every [[underlined]]Home[[/underlined]], yes, in every [[underlined]]Heart[[/underlined]]. PHASES OF COMMUNITY ACTION Community groups must look two ways at every stop, if they are to work effectively. They must look at themselves, at what is happening within the group. They must look also at the wider community of which they are a part, and which they must influence and change if there is any action. [[underlined]]LOOKING WITHIN THE ACTION GROUP[[/underlined]] Getting ideas and feeling of Members about needed action. Picture what can be done and weighed thoughtfully. [[end page]] [[start page]] [[underlined]]LOOKING AT THE COMMUNITY OUTSIDE[[/underlined]] Getting ideas and feelings of the community - Discuss project with individual - Discuss project with groups. Identifying possible action Target or Project Frederick Douglass, the Great American. [[underlined]]ASSESSING THE GROUP[[/underlined]] See the group as an instrument of Social Action. Look honestly at motives for undertaking the project. [[underlined]]Translating ideas into Action Plan[[/underlined]]. Identify needs of group for information and consultation. Collect and use relevant information. Involve outside informats where group members cannot supply needed information - Select first action step in relation to the group's and community's readiness and resources. [[underlined]]ASSESSING READINESS OF THE COMMUNITY[[/underlined]] Estimate probable support and opposition. Estimate community resources that can be rallied. Assessing Community forces relative to Action project. Chart organizational and informal communication channels for informing people about project. Estimate availability of mass communication facilities - Newspapers, radio, T.V., etc. for publicity project. [[underlined]]PLANNING THE FIRST ACTION STEP[[/underlined]] 1. Which the group feels capable of carrying through. 2. Which brings in other persons and groups that need to be involved. 3. Which promises best visibility or publicity for project as it is reported and talked about. [[underlined]]PREPARTIN THE GROUP FOR THE FIRST STEP[[/underlined]] - Clarify goals of the first step. - Map out division of responsibilities. - Assign special responsibilities to Members who are interested in doing them. - Provide necessary training for assignments.