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What Are the Groups For?

...To select, define, and work together on common problems
...To develop ideas and insights which will help solve the problem
...To identify persons and to get to know them
...To discover helpful resources

Who Does What?

The point of view developed in the ASCD conferences is that all participants in a study-discussion group have responsibilities for all of the necessary functions in the group.  These include leading, observing, recording, serving as a resource person, contributing to the flow of thinking and the like.  The following is a suggested list of distinguished functions intended to refer to assumption of chief responsibility by certain individuals and to insure that certain functions are performed continuously.

Each group member

--Helps decide on specific problems and ways of working as a group
--Contributes ideas and suggestions related to the problem
--Listens to what other members say and seeks helpful ideas and insights
--Requests clarification when needed
--Observes the group process and makes suggestions
--Assumes various roles as needed

The Leader

--Helps group get acquainted
--Helps group establish ground rules
--Reports results of pre-conference planning for work of group
--Helps group proceed with planning and deciding
--Calls on group to clarify, analyze, and summarize problems and suggestion solutions
--Draws out the "timid soul" and keeps the dominant persons from monopolizing
--Assista recorder and observer

The Recorder: 

--Keeps a record of the main problems, issues, ideas, facts and decisions as they develop in the discussion
--Summarizes points and reports group from time to time as needed
--Consults with group about kind of final reports they would like made
--Prepares resolutions and other final report with other designated members of the group

[[footnote 1.]] Prepared by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.