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e. [[underlined]]The opinion giver[[/underlined]] states his belief or opinion pertinently to a suggestion made or to alternative suggestions. 

f. [[underlined]]The elaborator[[/underlined]] spels out suggestions in terms of examples or developed meanings.

g. [[underlined]]The co-ordinator[[/underlined]] shows or clarifies the relationships among various ideas and suggestions.

h. [[underlined]]The orienter[[/underlined]] defines the position of the group with respect to its goals by summarizing what has occurred.

i. [[underlined]]The evaluator-critic[[/underlined]] subjects the accompllishments of the group to some standard or set of standards of group function in the context of the group task. 

j. [[underlined]]The energizer[[/underlined]] prods the group to action or decision, attempts to stimulate or arouse the group to "great" or "higher quality" actively.

k. [[underlined]]The procedual technician[[/underlined]] expedites group movement by doing things for the group -- performing routine tasks.

l. [[underlined]]The recorder[[/underlined]] writes down suggestions, makes a record of group decisions, or writes down the product of discussion. The recorder role is the "group memory."

[[underlined]]Group Building and Maintenance Roles[[/underlined]]

Here the analysis of member-functions is oriented to those participants who have their purpose the building of group centered attitudes and orientation among the members of a group or the maintenance and perpetuation of such group-centered behavior. A given contribution may involve several roles and member or the "leader may perform various roles.

a. [[underlined]]The encourager[[/underlined]] praises, agrees with and accepts the contribution of others.

b. [[underlined]]The harmonizer[[/underlined]] mediates the difference between the other members, attempts to reconcile disagreements, relieves tension in conflict situations.

c. [[underlined]]The compromiser[[/underlined]] operates from within a conflict in which his idea or position is involved.  He may offer compromise by yielding status, admitting his error, by disciplining himself to maintain group harmony or by "coming half-way" in moving along with the group. 

d. [[underlined]]The gate-keeper and expediter[[/underlined]] attempts to keep communication channels open by encouraging or dacilitating the participation of others.

e. [[underlined]]The standard setter[[/underlined]] or ego ideal expresses standards for the group to sttempt to achieve in its functioning.

f. [[underlined]]The group-observer[[/underlined]] and [[underlined]]commentator[[/underlined]] keeps records of various aspects of group process and feeds such data with proposed  interpretations into the group's evaluation of its own procedure.

g. [[underlined]]The follower[[/underlined]] goes along with the movement of the group, more or less, passively accepting the ideas of others.