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This is to be a working Convention!  That is what Council women have asked.  The workbook has been prepared to help make it possible for all of us to bring our best thinking to the business before the 23rd Annual Convention. Not only those who attend Convention but those who remain at home, are urged to share in consideration of the matters before the Council today.

[[underlined]]WHY A WORKBOOK?[[\underlined]]

This workbook represents the efforts of the Executive Committee, the Convention Committee and the departments, to present to you matters to which you will want to give some thought as you look ahead and prepare for participation in Convention. Today, more than ever before, we need preparation in order to make the wisest and best use of the time we spend in meetings together.  Besides, many women who may not get to Washington can share in the preparation so that all of us come together with the benefits of widespread thinking.

It is not expected that we will all think alike on all matters.  But it is hoped that each of us will come to Convention seeking agreement, expecting concensus on what is essential for the future of our Council.

[[underlined]]HOUSING AT CONVENTION HEADQUARTERS[[\underlined]]

Everyone is urged to make housing reservations at the Statler-Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C. We have received the use of the fine convention facilities in this hotel because we will use their sleeping rooms, luncheon and dinner service. If you have not made your reservation, please do so [[underline]]now[[\underline]].  Be sure to use the form issued in the September TELEFACT or the card sent with Convention information.

[[underlined]]CONVENTION REGISTRATION[[\underlined]]

Credential blanks have been sent to all presidents of councils and affiliates as well as to life members.

The Convention Fee of $15.00 includes the Council Dinner, registration for the Convention and the Leadership Training Institute.  A wealth of carefully selected materials have been prepared for you to help you do a good job back home.

[[underlined]]THE ANNUAL CONVENTION[[\underlined]]

ARTICLE IV of our Constitution says that "There shall be an Annual Convention of the full membership."  This means that every council woman is eligible to attend the Convention.  Everyone has a voice in the deliberations.

For voting - 

Each national organization affiliated with the Council is expected to send five voting delegates to the Convention.

Each local counsel is expected to send three voting delegates.

Life Members each have 1/5 of a vote.

Affiliated organizations and local councils in good financial standing, financial Life Members and officers make up the voting body, but every woman in attendance has the opportunity and responsibility to participate fully.