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Education - 2

It is possible that the critical need for Federal aid to improve and extend public educational facilities may quietly change and liberalize the extreme positions of some of the southern state attitudes.

b) [[underlined]]Education and Community Developments[[/underlined]]

Low cultural and moral levels of present day society have resulted in many behavior problems which show up in the adjustment problems accompanying integration. There is need for a community attack on conditions causing blighted neighborhoods, bad public demeanor.

There is a healthy awareness developing on the moral and spiritual aspects of education. Community effort must be used to translate this awareness into a revision of the low values and extreme materialism of American life.

There is increasing need to keep open the channels of communication between the liberal and conservative elements of American communities.

III.[[underlined]] SOME PROPOSED OBJECTS FOR NCNW'S 1958 - 1959 EDUCATION PROGRAM[[/underlined]]

a) [[underlined]]National Level[[/underlined]]

1. How can the National Council function as a clearing house and reference center on all education legislation, trends and movements which affect the education program objectives of the National Council of Negro Women?

2. How can the National Council keep a vigilant watch on State and Federal legislation affecting education, and prepare, when necessary, advisable statements on such legislation?

3. How can the National give help to local groups on educational projects designed to achieve the program objectives?

b) [[underlined]]Local Level[[/underlined]]

1. How can local councils keep informed upon public education needs in their communities and participate in programs to meet these needs? How can they support legislation to increase school facilities and better teaching standards?

2. How can local councils promote projects to stimulate educational incentives among our students and aid gifted children who need help?

3. How can local councils sponsor programs to focus effort on the raising of cultural standards and moral values?

4. How can the local council find ways to aid the program of desegregation and the racial adjustments it necessitates?